Monday, December 26, 2011

Welcome GIS Class of 2012...

Hello New Students!

Welcome to the University of West Florida’s Online GIS Certificate Program! My name is Tanya Gallagher. I’m in my last semester of graduate school at UWF, pursuing my master’s degree in Environmental Science with specific focus on urban climatology in the southeastern United States. I soon hope to be accepted to a PhD program in Marine Science/Ocenography. (I find out this semester, so keep your fingers crossed for me!!). I am a native to Pensacola, Florida and grew up enjoying the area’s lovely white beaches. I received my undergraduate degree in Environmental Science and my GIS certificate from UWF in May of 2010. During my time as an undergraduate I had several internships in which I used GIS to help further understand the dynamic of coastal environments. GIS is a wonderful tool to supplement the study of not only environmental concerns, but issues in most any field of research.  

I’m looking forward to a great semester with you! I will be handling the lab portion of the Intro to GIS course this semester. If you have any issues regarding the lab assignments, please feel free to direct your questions to me. Any questions regarding the lecture material and assignments should be directed towards your course instructor, Amber Bloechle. This will increase the likelihood that your question will be answered in a timely manner.

It may seem a little overwhelming at first, so please make sure to read all the orientation materials and to read through the labs carefully. Many of your questions are already answered in those materials. Also, check the discussion boards for commonly asked questions and answers. If you still need assistance, post a new discussion question. It is likely that some of your classmates have the same question and would also benefit from the answer. I will be checking the discussions as often as possible, but I don’t recommend waiting until the last minute to complete your lab because your question may not be answered before the dropbox closes.

ALSO, when submitting to the dropbox: please save your maps and illustrator files as JPEGs. This dramatically reduces the size of the file, the length of time it takes me to open it, and a lot of frustration. If you submit a different file type, I will ask you to resubmit it as a JPEG. To do this, simply go to File – Export… and change the Save as Type to JPEG.

LATE DROPBOX: In the event that you ever submit an item to the late dropbox, please make sure to include the Assignment Title in the comments sections on the upload page. I will grade all late dropbox items at the end of the semester and this will help to ensure that you receive credit in the gradebook for those specific lab items.

Lastly, as indicated in the lab instructions, you must submit your completed maps to the dropbox and post them to your blog for full credit.

Best of Luck!
Tanya Gallagher

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