Monday, January 16, 2012

Own Your Map Examples

Dear Students,

The materials for Own Your Map are now posted. Please note that the due date for this assignment is:

  Thursday January 26th, 2012 at 11:59 p.m.

This week’s lab should be very straight forward. When I went back to review last year’s discussion board, I only found a few noteworthy student questions to post for you today. Please let us know if you run into any issues with this week’s lab by posting any questions you have about the lab to the discussion board.

I have listed a few helpful hints below to aid you with this week's lab assignment.
  • Data Source Questions:  Please be sure to follow the instructions in the portion of the lab that regards exploring the metadata. This will be a reoccurring event in our lab assignments. The more comfortable you become with Arc Catalog, the easier this part of the lab assignment will get. Take the time to explore Arc Catalog this week! 
  • Deliverables: In order to successfully complee this assignment, your final map (JPEG format) and process summary (.doc or pdf format - make sure not to include answers to the questions on your blog) will need to be posted to your blog and uploaded to the eLearning dropbox.
  • Process Summary: Please make sure that you check out the Process Summary Guide located under the Orientation Materials heading in the Content section on Elearning. Last week I received several questions about the process summary. I want to emphasize that there are three parts to the process summary (1.Completing the metatdata table; 2. Answering any questions listed in the process summary template;  and 3. Creating a list of the steps that you took). Be sure to complete all three portions in order to receive full credit. 

Below are a few examples of Own Your Map Lab Deliverables from past Intro to GIS students.

Below are a few examples of Own Your Map Lab Deliverables from past Intro to GIS students.




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